Beginning July 1, 2010, the hours of operation for Northwest Portland Ministry's (NWPM) Food Pantry will change. The new service hours are from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays at First Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1808 NW Irving Street.
A new ramp was recently built at First Immanuel Lutheran so that recipients can better access services in the building. Use of the ramp is being coordinated with another program co-located in the lower level, Rose Haven, which needs ramp access in the morning. NWPM Food Pantry recipients using scooters and wheelchairs will now be able to enter the pantry - and those with carts of food can exit the building more easily - during the new afternoon hours (starting at 12:30).
The NWPM Food Pantry serves people residing at NW Portland addresses, and we extend south to include the triangle south of Burnside to Taylor and east to SW 10th. A map of our service area is available by clicking here. For more information about the Food Pantry, click here.

- We will continue to deliver emergency food boxes to those who are ill or otherwise unable to make it to the food pantry to shop for themselves. Food box delivery happens regularly by special arrangement.
- Volunteer drivers can provide rides on Tuesdays (arranged in advance) for those who need help getting home with their groceries.
- Ramp access prior to July 1, 2010 can be scheduled between 12:30-1:00 by contacting: Kelly Caldwell (503) 221-1224 ext. 105 or kelly@nwpm.org
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