- Food Box Delivery: delivery of food boxes to people with mobility issues
- Community Share: distribution of perishable items on a weekly bases
- Harvest Share: Fresh produce distribution once per month
- Mini Pantries: month-end stocking of emergency food at local high rise buildings
Food Box Delivery
Because we know that there are service gaps for our neighbors, we are working to expand access to food when volunteer and staff time allow. Some neighbors who are in poor health, unable to get down the stairs at the NWPM Food Pantry, or are unable to carry groceries home on their own. When we have the capacity we deliver food boxes or arrange for temporary food pantries called Portable Pantries to be set up in the lobby of locations where there is a clear unmet need.Community Share
Ensuring that our Food Pantry is well-stocked is our first priority, but we often have surplus perishable food such as breads, pastries, fruits and vegetables, and other items. To ensure these perishables get eaten instead of wasted, we created a secondary food distribution system called Community Share. There are no income or geographic limitations associated with access to Community Share food - so anyone can stop by the pantry once a week during regular hours to see if Community Share food is available.Because Community Share items are surplus perishables, there is no consistency in the types of food available - although bread is almost always available. The amounts offered vary widely and participants should view these items as “extra” food, above and beyond regular NWPM Food Pantry limitations and requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: The food available in the Community Share Program is highly perishable, and should be consumed within 24 hours. Individuals should carefully inspect Community Share items before eating to ensure they are not spoiled, and be sure to note any pertinent information such as expiration dates or instructions about proper storage or cooking. If an individual has special sensitivities or risk factors, it may be wise to avoid Community Share perishables that are at or near their ~eat by date~ or freshness limit. And as always, “when it doubt, throw it out!”
Harvest Share
On the 2nd Wednesday of each month we distribute fresh produce via the Oregon Food Bank’s Harvest Share program. The Oregon Food Bank (OFB) recovers fresh fruit and vegetables from farmers and wholesale produce companies and makes them available to income qualified people in the Portland metro area at no cost! NWPM distribution takes place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1816 NW Irving Street. To ensure fairness, places in line are determined by lottery, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Recipients who arrive after the initial pick receive a number on first come first serve basis. By 10:00 a.m. we begin distributing produce and we end by 10:30 a.m. This program is independent of the NWPM Food Pantry and income and geographic eligibility differ from our Food Pantry requirements. More information is available about other food pantries and other Harvest Share distribution dates and locations from the OFB by calling: 503-282-0555 or click here.Mini-Pantry
Northwest Portland Ministries partners with five area low-income high-rise buildings to offer an on-site "mini-pantry" at the end of each month when the need is greatest. Residents can select a few items from the mini-pantry to tide them over until they can get a full box from our pantry (link), or get a box delivered if eligible (see Food Box Deliery, above), or until the first of the month when they typically receive funds.Food Warehouse
These expanded services are made possible due to a donation of space for the NWP
M Food Warehouse by Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center. With this space we can prepare food boxes and backpacks for distribution and organize and host larger scale food drives to serve the nutrition programs. Monthly work parties and food box distribution happen on the 4th (or last) Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the NWPM Food Warehouse, 2145 NW Overton. Please let us know if you’d like to help out either by volunteering, or by donating food or money. Call 503-221-1224 or e-mail info@nwpm.org. See a video of families and kids volunteering here.