NWPM Transportation Services

Our paid and volunteer drivers provide rides for medical, nutrition, shopping, supportive services, life sustaining medical, recreational, and volunteer/work-related needs. We provide about 1,000 rides per month on a donation basis. Please call us 3 business days in advance to schedule a ride. Please contact Dave, Transportation Manager at 503-221-1224, ext. 100. Do you like to drive? Do you enjoy helping others stay independent? Call or e-mail Dave (david@nwpm.org) to learn how you can become a volunteer driver!
Senior Shuttle becomes NW Shopping RideAbout!

On Saturdays the RideAbout serves the downtown area from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., making a one-hour shopping loop with stops at Gretchen Kafoury Commons, Rose Schnitzer Tower, Elm Court Loaves & Fishes, Helen Swindells, Rosenbaum Plaza, The Morrison, and Fred Meyer.
On Monday the RideAbout serves the NW Portland area from 9:30 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. The route consists of a 45-minute loop with stops at Marshall Union Manor, Gallagher Plaza, Medallion Apartments, Northwest Tower, Fred Meyer, and Trader Joes. Riders do not need to live at these locations to use the RideAbout. CLICK HERE for Map and Schedule.
Transportation to Irving Street

People in need may get a ride to the Irving Street Loaves & Fishes Senior Lunch (that program operates 11:30-12:30 every weekday) and a ride home from the Food Pantry with their groceries. To schedule your ride call

Transportation to FREE Recreation Events!
Field Trips for April 2010
April 6, 10:30 am-2:30
Shopping at Kohl’s
The Beaverton Kohls Department Store is always a good place to shop for bargains. After shopping, enjoy a relaxing lunch at Marie Callendar’s Restaurant. Bring money for lunch and shopping.
April 14, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Guide Dogs for the Blind Tour
Learn how guide dogs are chosen and trained during a tour of the Guide Dogs for the Blind campus in Boring, OR. The tour may include a visit to the kennels, the puppy socialization area and the veterinary clinic. After the tour, enjoy lunch at the Gresham Olive Garden. The tour is free. Bring money for lunch.
April 20, 12:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Jewish Museum Tour
Enjoy an educational tour of the Oregon Jewish Museum where you will have the opportunity to view the “Letters to Sala” exhibit. The tour is $3.
April 27, 9:00 am-4:00pm
Tillamook Coast Trip
This trip starts with a visit to the Tillamook Cheese Factory where you can learn about the cheese making process and see the cheese makers at work. Then we will travel to the Tillamook Air Museum where you can enjoy lunch at the Air Base Café before you tour the air museum. During the tour, you will be able to see over 30 War Birds including the P-51 Mustang and the Dauntless Dive Bomber. The Tillamook Cheese Factory is free and the Air Museum is $7.50 for groups of ten or more. Lunch ranges from $5 to $10.
To Sign Up For a Trip, Please Call Dave at:
503-221-1224, extension 100
Suggested Gas Donation Based On Mileage: ($5-$7)