Neighbors wishing to participate must be within eligible income guidelines (Maximum $1,607.00 per month for a one person household as of Jan. 2009) and also live at a NW Portland address or reside within our service area (click here for map). No one is turned away the first time they request assistance. Please note that in January 2010 we expanded our service area to include nearby residents in parts of Goose Hollow & downtown that we determined to be under-served. With this change, reflected on the map, our service area now includes the triangle south of Burnside to Taylor and east to SW 10th Avenue.
In 2008 we converted our operation to a “choice-based model,” where recipients choose what they need within designated limits instead of being given a prepackaged food box. Research has shown that when food pantries use a choice-based model for food distribution, the system runs at a much lower cost, meets hun

Participants may “shop” the pantry once each month and select from canned goods, pasta, meats and much more. In addition to canned and shelf-stable items that people usually think of as emergency food, we also strive

If requested in advance, those needing help getting home with their groceries on Tuesdays can arrange a ride with a volunteer driver! Request a ride by calling our Transportation program three days in advance at 503-221-1224, ext. 100.